M Umanath
Assistant Professor
Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, II Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020Telephone: 0091-44-24412589 24411574 24420204 24419771; Extn: 319; Fax: 0091 - 44 - 24910872
E-mail: umanath@mids.ac.in / umanatheconomics@gmail.com
Web: http://www.mids.ac.in/umanath/
- Ph D in Agricultural Economics at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 2013
- M.Sc in Agricultural Economics at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai - 2008
- B.Sc in Agricultural at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Killikulam - 2006
Thesis Titles
- M.Sc:- Development of Optimum Agricultural Farm Plans for Kottampatti Block of Madurai District -A Lexicographic Goal Programming Approach.
- Ph.D:- Development of Optimum Agricultural Farm and Regional Plans for Sustainable Production in The Periyar-Vaigai Irrigation System - A Multi Objective Programming Approach.
- Senior Research Fellow, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore in 2009.
- Assistant Professor in Agricultural Economics, Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Perambalore in 2010.
- Senior Research Fellow, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore in November, 2013 to April, 2014.
- Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore from April 2014 to November, 2015.
- Post-Doctoral Fellow (UGC funded), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore from November, 2015 to August, 2017.
Research Interest
- Food and nutrition security
- Sustainable production and consumption of food commodities
- Energy, water and natural resource and management
Personal Achievements and Awards
- Received student's project in M.Sc., programme from Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSCST-Govt. of Tamil Nadu) and
- Received fellowship for my research work in PhD from University Grants Commission (UGC-Govt. of India)
- Received Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Dr.S.Radhakrishnan PDF fellowship) from University Grants Commission (UGC-Govt. of India)
- Got best research paper award in the seminar conducted in Marian International Institute of Management, Kuttikanam, Kerala.
Research article published on International and National journals
- Umanath M & Rajasekar, D. D. (2013). Estimation of technical, scale and economic efficiency of paddy farms: a data envelopment analysis approach. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(8), 243.
- Umanath M, & Rajasekar, D. D. (2013). Data envelopment analysis to estimate technical and scale efficiency of farms in Periyar-Vaigai irrigation system of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(10), 5331-5336.
- Umanath M and D.David Rajsekar, "Sustainable Crop Production Planning in Irrigated Agricultural under different Alternative Strategies: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach. International Journal of Commerce and Business Management. 6(2), 216-222.
- Umanath M and D.David Rajsekar, (2015), "Evaluation of Sustainability of Agriculture and its Determinants at Farm Level in Periyar-Vaigai Irrigation System of Tamilnadu, India". Indian Journal of Social Research. 56(1), 147-155.
- Lakshmanamoorthi, S, D.David Rajsekar and Umanath M, (2013), "Impact of Climate Change on Dryland Agriculture-A Study in Virudhunagar District of Southern Tamil Nadu", Madras Journal of Agriculture, 101 (Special issue).
- Umanath M, K. Vijayasarathy, B.N. Pradeepa Babu and M. Baskar, (2015) "Food Consumption Pattern and Nutrient Intake in Rural and Urban Karnataka" Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70(4), 487-501.
- Umanath M, Paramasivam R, and Thanga Durai T, (2016), "Farmers' Perception on Environmental Degradation Due to Indiscriminate Use of Modern Practices: A Case Study from Madurai District, Tamil Nadu", Current World Environment, 11(1), 291-295.
- Umanath M, Vijayasarathy K, Pradeepa Babu B N (2016) "Determinants of Preference for and Consumption of Liquid Milk by Indian Households" Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 69(4), 498-504.
- Chengappa P.G, Umanath M, Vijayasarathy K, Pradeepa Babu B N and Manjunath A V (2016), "Changing Demand for Livestock Food Products: An Evidence from Indian Households", Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(9), 79-84.
- Chengappa, P.G, Umanath M, Vijayasarathy K, Pradeepa Babu B N, (2016) "Dynamics of tea and coffee consumption pattern in India and its determinants at household level", International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(51), 2378-83.
- Umanath M, P. G. Chengappa and K. Vijayasarathy, (2016), Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Intake of Pulses by Segregated Income Groups in India, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 29 (Conference issue): 53-64.
- Kavitha V, Umanath M, Paramasivam R and Chandran K (2016), "Determinants of Consumption Probability and Demand for Fruit in India", Agricultural Economics Research Review, 29 (Conference issue): 161-170.
- Chinnadurai, M, Karunakaran K. R, Chandrasekaran M, Balasubiramanian R and Umanath M (2016), Examining Linkage Between dietary pattern and Crop diversity: An evidence from Tamil Nadu, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 29 (Conference issue): 149-160.
- Paramasivam R, Paramasivam R, Umanath M, Balasubramanian R and Surendran A. (2017) "Examining Electricity well Irrigations Nexus in South India: A Multivariate Cointegration Approach", Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 23(1):576-582.
- Chengappa, P.G, Umanath M, K. Vijayasarathy, Pradeepa Babu and C. M. Devika, (2017), Demand for Agro Processed Food Products: An Evidence from Indian Households, Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 16(1): 1-11.
Book Chapters
- Umanath M, Vijayasarathy K and Raman M.S (2015), "Econometric Analysis of Demand for Food Commodities by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in India" In. Sundara Raj. T, Social Exclusion Dimensions of Marginality in India, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, pp: 72-83.
- Chengappa P.G., Umanath M and Vijayasarathy K (2015), "Electronic Marketing: It's Application in Agri-Business" In. Prem Nath, Food Expectations of the People in the New Millennium, P.N. Agri. Sci. Foundation (PNASF), Bangalore, Westville Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 484-494.
Papers presented and published in the proceedings of National Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
- Umanath M and D.David Rajsekar, (2013), "Development of Optimum Crop plans for Small farms through Lexicographic Goal Programming". Agricultural Graduate Student Conference on Food Safety and Food Security-2013, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, pp.358 (ISBN:978-81-8424-828-9).
- Umanath M, S. Lakshmanamoorthi, M.S. Raman and D. David Rajsekar (2014), "Dynamics of Millet Cultivation in Tamil Nadu", Workshop on Emerging Technology in Processing and Value Addition of Millets for Better Utilization-2014, Madurai, TNAU, pp.5.
- Umanath M., K.Vijayasarathy and M. S. Raman (2015), "Econometric Analysis of Demand for Food Commodities by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in India". National Seminar on Development at Margins: Marginality and Marginalisation in India's Growth Story organized by Department of Sociology, Periyar University, Salem.
- Umanath M, R. Paramasivam, V. Kavitha and T. Thanga durai (2016), "Determinants of Demand for Formal Agricultural Credit in Rural India". National Seminar on Innovations and Practices in Financial Sector, Marian International Institute of Management, Kuttikanam, Kerala.
- Umanath M, R. Balasubramaniam, R. Paramasivam, V. Kavitha and T. Thangadurai, (2016), "Econometric Analysis of Determinants of Millets' Consumption Probability and Demand". Young Researchers' South Asian Symposium on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), TERI University, New Delhi during 6-8, October, 2016.
Available on request